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nRF52 and float printf


float in printf return blank. How to activate it ?

Thank you.

  • In Keil Settings->Target->Floating Point Hardware -> Use single presecision

    This will do nothiing but just set some compiler macros in core_cm4.h

    #elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
      #if defined __ARMVFP__
        #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)
          #define __FPU_USED       1U
          #error "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)"
          #define __FPU_USED       0U
        #define __FPU_USED         0U

    This is inturn used in system_nrf52.c->SystemInit()

    #if (__FPU_USED == 1)
        SCB->CPACR |= (3UL << 20) | (3UL << 22); 

    Then your compiler will generate hardware floating point instructions and your printf shouldl work normally.

    If you have MicroLib set in Settings->Target->Use MicroLIB, then i think it optimizes float instructions. I am not sure how it works here, but i suspect floating point calculations will be tricky. I never use MicroLIB when i want software float.

    If you do not want to use avialable VFP hardware in nRF52(i cannot imagine why not but its your choice). Then you can add

    Settings->Target->Floating Point Hardware -> Use single presecision
    Settings->C/C++->Misc controls->--fpu=softvfp
    Settings->Linker->Misc controls->--fpu=softvfp