Enable ECDH with _ns build


I am trying to implement the ECDH functionality in the TF-M application.

I am referring Crypto: ECDH (nordicsemi.com) and in the build target I see, the example can be built with _ns.

When I try to build the above example with the _ns build, I am getting an error "PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED (-134)"

Whereas when I build it without _ns, the example works fine.

Am I missing any configuration here? No changes were made to prj.conf

Please help me I need the ECDH with _ns build.

Target board: nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns

  • Hi Jithin,

    Are there any other relevant logs?

    Please try enabling CONFIG_PSA_WANT_ALG_ECDH.


  • Hi Hieu,

    Thank you for the reply,

    We have now fixed the issue.

    The issue is with the config: CONFIG_BUILD_WITH_TFM

    After debugging we see some includes were not included due to above config and adding it into the prj file, I got the output.
    I thought CONFIG_BUILD_WITH_TFM would be added automatically when we choose to build with _ns which did not and so we were seeing the error.
    Thank you for the support.
  • Hi Hieu,

    Sorry for the late reply

    What nRF Connect SDK version are you working with? If 2.7.0, where is your project located, and how are you building it?

    --> I am using SDKv2.6.0, my project is located outside the SDK directory.

    I am building the project with VS Code NRF SDK extensions.

  • Hi Jithin,

    Then CONFIG_BUILD_WITH_TFM should be enabled by default. Please check the compiled Kconfig at <build dir>/zephyr/.config. It should be there.

  • Hi Hieu, 

    You are right, I see the CONFIG_BUILD_WITH_TFM macro is enabled in the .config file.

    Can you please explain why I get the error -134 even if it is enabled.

    Below is my observation,

    Case1: without modifying the example

    1. Create a ECDH sample copy, build with _ns
    2. Build, success
    3. Check .config file and I see CONFIG_BUILD_WITH_TFM is enabled
    4. Test the program, I get below error

    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
    [00:00:00.509,063] <inf> ecdh: Starting ECDH example...
    [00:00:00.509,063] <inf> ecdh: Creating ECDH key pair for Alice
    [00:00:00.509,155] <inf> ecdh: psa_generate_key failed! (Error: -134)
    [00:00:00.509,155] <inf> ecdh: Example exited with error!

    Case2: Add CONFIG_BUILD_WITH_TFM to prj.conf file

    1. Create a ECDH sample copy, build with _ns
    2. Add CONFIG_BUILD_WITH_TFM to prj.conf file
    3. Build, success
    4. Test the program, program runs successfully
      *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
      [00:00:00.446,716] <inf> ecdh: Starting ECDH example...
      [00:00:00.446,716] <inf> ecdh: Creating ECDH key pair for Alice
      [00:00:00.447,113] <inf> ecdh: ECDH keypair created successfully!
      [00:00:00.447,113] <inf> ecdh: Creating ECDH key pair for Bob
      [00:00:00.447,479] <inf> ecdh: ECDH keypair created successfully!
      [00:00:00.447,479] <inf> ecdh: Export Alice's public key
      [00:00:00.471,496] <inf> ecdh: ECDH public key exported successfully!
      [00:00:00.471,496] <inf> ecdh: Export Bob's public key
      [00:00:00.495,483] <inf> ecdh: ECDH public key exported successfully!
      [00:00:00.495,513] <inf> ecdh: Calculating the secret value for Alice
      [00:00:00.519,531] <inf> ecdh: ECDH secret calculated successfully!
      [00:00:00.519,531] <inf> ecdh: Calculating the secret value for Bob
      [00:00:00.543,579] <inf> ecdh: ECDH secret calculated successfully!
      [00:00:00.543,579] <inf> ecdh: Comparing the secret values of Alice and Bob
      [00:00:00.543,579] <inf> ecdh: The secret values of Alice and Bob match!
      [00:00:00.543,792] <inf> ecdh: Example finished successfully!

    Why I see this difference in program execution, please let me know if my setup is wrong?

  • Hi Jithin,

    Something is definitely wrong. I cannot reproduce your issue.

    Please check and make sure that you are actually compiling with SDK and toolchain for NCS v2.6.0.

  • Hi Hieu,

    This is strange. I confirm I am using SDK and toolchain v2.6.0

    Is it possible to you to share your working project?

    I am just creating a sample from MS VS Code NRF extension and build the project without modifying anything and I see the above error.

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