Power Profiler v.4.2.0 + PPK2 - Plot stops working after a while

Reporting this here as the project GitHub asked that bugs be reported via DevZone.

The latest Power Profiler v4.2.0 has introduced an annoying issue - when running the Power Profiler for a long time (sourcing 3.7V power and collecting logging data, set to 1,000 samples/sec, sampling forever), typically leaving it to run overnight, after a whlie it stops logging new data. Pressing Stop and Start doesn't restart the graph, it just stays blank despite sourcing power to the DUT. If I close + restart the Power Profiler app, it works again. Additionally, I can deselect the PPK2 device and re-select it, and then starting logging works again.

I'm running macOS Sonoma 14.5 on a MacBook Pro with an M1 Max chip.

  • Some additional info if it's helpful. I've reverted to Power Profiler v4.1.3 and it appears to be more stable. I have "auto reconnect" enabled. It seems to lose connection and shut off power to the device around once or twice per day, but this is much more manageable than 4.2.0 cutting out every hour or so. Additionally, when it does happen, I can just reenable the "Enable power output" toggle and press "Start" and it immediately starts working again, without having to jump through the whole "select device multiple times" workaround I was having to do with 4.2.0.

  • I'm facing the same issues with the PPK v4.2.1 on Win10. Start buttom seems to gets broken after a while and furhtermore measurements over the night always stops as soon as I left the office -.- 

       Any update on that topic?

  • I'm facing the same issues with the PPK v4.2.1 on Win10. Start buttom seems to gets broken after a while and furhtermore measurements over the night always stops as soon as I left the office -.- 

       Any update on that topic? Are there any 


    I've played around a bit and found out if I set "TEMP DISC" slider to minimum solved my issues. I'm not sure what is happening. Some clarifications would be nice.

    By reducing "TEMP DISK" slider increases "Available disk space". For me, measurements weren't working as avalilable disk space was 0GB.

    My recomendation is to add some sort of warning pop up window in case there is no available disk space and the "Start" button is pressed. So that users won't get confused and potencially think that the "Start" button is broken (as I was). 

    Let me know what do you think Slight smile

  • Hi,

    I don't think the problem you experience with Win10 is related to the Mac issue, but it's good to hear you found the problem with Win10. I have forwarded your observation with Win10 so it can be looked into and improved (maybe throwing an warning of disk full or similar).

