BLE+FDS Problem to read/write flash data err

example: ble_app_uart+ secure_bootloader.
Our device is charged with power-off reset function.

When I call fds_record_update(&desc, &gtPara_record),if returns FDS_ERR_NO_SPACE_IN_FLASH, which means I need to call to clean up the garbage.So i need to call err_code = fds_gc();Right?

// <e> FDS_ENABLED - fds - Flash data storage module
#define FDS_ENABLED 1
// <h> Pages - Virtual page settings

// <i> Configure the number of virtual pages to use and their size.
// <o> FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGES - Number of virtual flash pages to use. 
// <i> One of the virtual pages is reserved by the system for garbage collection.
// <i> Therefore, the minimum is two virtual pages: one page to store data and one page to be used by the system for garbage collection.
// <i> The total amount of flash memory that is used by FDS amounts to @ref FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGES * @ref FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE * 4 bytes.


// <o> FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGE_SIZE  - The size of a virtual flash page.

// <i> Expressed in number of 4-byte words.
// <i> By default, a virtual page is the same size as a physical page.
// <i> The size of a virtual page must be a multiple of the size of a physical page.
// <1024=> 1024 
// <2048=> 2048 


// <o> FDS_VIRTUAL_PAGES_RESERVED - The number of virtual flash pages that are used by other modules. 
// <i> FDS module stores its data in the last pages of the flash memory.
// <i> By setting this value, you can move flash end address used by the FDS.
// <i> As a result the reserved space can be used by other modules.


// </h> 

// <h> Backend - Backend configuration

// <i> Configure which nrf_fstorage backend is used by FDS to write to flash.
// <o> FDS_BACKEND  - FDS flash backend.

// <i> NRF_FSTORAGE_SD uses the nrf_fstorage_sd backend implementation using the SoftDevice API. Use this if you have a SoftDevice present.
// <i> NRF_FSTORAGE_NVMC uses the nrf_fstorage_nvmc implementation. Use this setting if you don't use the SoftDevice.

#define FDS_BACKEND 2

// </h> 

// <h> Queue - Queue settings

// <o> FDS_OP_QUEUE_SIZE - Size of the internal queue. 
// <i> Increase this value if you frequently get synchronous FDS_ERR_NO_SPACE_IN_QUEUES errors.


// </h> 

// <h> CRC - CRC functionality

// <e> FDS_CRC_CHECK_ON_READ - Enable CRC checks.

// <i> Save a record's CRC when it is written to flash and check it when the record is opened.
// <i> Records with an incorrect CRC can still be 'seen' by the user using FDS functions, but they cannot be opened.
// <i> Additionally, they will not be garbage collected until they are deleted.
// <o> FDS_CRC_CHECK_ON_WRITE  - Perform a CRC check on newly written records.

// <i> Perform a CRC check on newly written records.
// <i> This setting can be used to make sure that the record data was not altered while being written to flash.
// <1=> Enabled 
// <0=> Disabled 


I have two questions about that.
1. How long does it take to clean fds gc.
2. What happens if the fds_gc is interrupted by a charging reset during cleanup?

Best regard

  • Hi Hung Bui
    I can reproduce the issue,maybe need a long time to reproduce.
    Because the charging port of our device is equipped with hardware reset function,I reproduce this issue  by continuously charging reset(write flash) + key_longPress() (write flash).

    #include <string.h>
    #include "fds.h"
    unsigned long gulFlashStoreNeeded = 0;////flash_store();                            
    unsigned long gulFlashStoreCnt = 0x80000000;
    #define CONFIG_FILE     (0x8010)
    #define CONFIG_REC_KEY  (0x7010)
    T_Para gtPara;
    extern T_LL_HardwareID gtHwID;
    ///* A dummy structure to save in flash. */
    typedef struct
        unsigned long p_v;
        T_DeviceLumen temote;
        signed char scBleAddr[6];
        E_Mode eMOWL; //
        unsigned long ulB;
        unsigned long eBmo;
        unsigned long ulNeedCharge;
        signed short sxyz[3];
        signed short ssThd;
        unsigned short usAdcValue;
        unsigned char aucSN[20];
        unsigned char ucBLight;
        E_B_M_O_P_O_O b_m_f;
        unsigned long flash_erase_flag;
        #define GET_BAR_STATE(states, bar_index)    ((states>>(bar_index<<1)) & 0x3) // 2 bit for each bar
        unsigned long c_f_t_s[6][7];   
        unsigned char brightness[6];    
        unsigned long ulChecksum;
        unsigned char publicNet;
        unsigned char netID[4];
        #define getCustomizedSetting(xxx)
    	unsigned char Profiles[4];
    	unsigned char mode;
    	unsigned char profile_nn;
        unsigned char netID_e;
        unsigned char PowerOff;
        unsigned char enabledHallSensor;    
    }T_Para; //284 bytes
    static T_Para gtStorePara = 
    	.p_v = 0x01010102,
    	.temote.ulRoundRobin = 0,
    	.temote.ulIng        = 0,
    	.temote.ID[0] = 0x00,
    	.temote.ID[1] = 0x00,
    	.temote.bitsc = 0x00,
    	.eMOWL = 0,
    	.ulB = 0,
    	.eBmo = 0x02,
    	.ulNeedCharge = 0,
    	.sxyz[0] = 100,
    	.sxyz[1] = 0,
    	.sxyz[2] = 0,
    	.ssThd = -3500,
    	.ucBLight = 70,
    	.publicNet = 0,
    	.netID_e = 0,
    	.PowerOff = 0,
    	.b_m_f = 0x06,
    /* A record containing dummy configuration data. */
    static fds_record_t const gtPara_record =
        .file_id           = CONFIG_FILE,
        .key               = CONFIG_REC_KEY,
        .data.p_data       = &gtStorePara,
        /* The length of a record is always expressed in 4-byte units (words). */
        .data.length_words = (sizeof(gtStorePara) + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1) / sizeof(uint32_t),
    static bool volatile m_fds_initialized;
    static bool volatile m_fds_writeflag;
    static bool volatile m_fds_gc_done = true;
    static void fds_evt_handler(fds_evt_t const * p_evt)
        switch (p_evt->id)
            case FDS_EVT_INIT:
                if (p_evt->result == NRF_SUCCESS)
                    m_fds_initialized = true;
            case FDS_EVT_WRITE:
            case FDS_EVT_UPDATE:
                if (p_evt->result == NRF_SUCCESS)
    				m_fds_writeflag = true;
            case FDS_EVT_DEL_RECORD:
                if (p_evt->result == NRF_SUCCESS)
                //m_delete_all.pending = false;
            } break;
            case FDS_EVT_GC:
                if (p_evt->result == NRF_SUCCESS)
                    m_fds_gc_done = true;
    void flash_init(void)
       ret_code_t err_code;
        //write_flag init
        m_fds_writeflag = true;
       (void) fds_register(fds_evt_handler);//FDS register
        err_code = fds_init();//fds init
    	while (!m_fds_initialized)//wait init
    	fds_stat_t stat = {0};
        err_code = fds_stat(&stat);//Set statistics
    	//record_delete_next();//clear all records
    	fds_record_desc_t desc = {0};//The descriptor structure used to manipulate the record is zeroed out
        fds_find_token_t  tok  = {0};//The token that saves the key is cleared
        err_code = fds_record_find(CONFIG_FILE, CONFIG_REC_KEY, &desc, &tok);//Find data, file ID, record KEY
     if (err_code == NRF_SUCCESS)//if find successful
            /* A config file is in flash. Let's update it. */
            fds_flash_record_t config = {0};//res
            /* Open the record and read its contents. */
            err_code = fds_record_open(&desc, &config);//open record to read data
            /* Copy the configuration from flash into m_dummy_cfg*/
            memcpy(&gtPara, config.p_data, sizeof(gtPara));
            //data = (uint32_t *)config.p_data;
            /* Close the record when done reading. */
            err_code = fds_record_close(&desc);//close record
        	set_default; //set all data default
        	gulFlashStoreNeeded = 1; //store data
    bool flash_gc_finish(void)
        return m_fds_gc_done;
    bool flash_store_finish(void)
        return m_fds_writeflag;
    void flash_store(void)
    		ret_code_t err_code;
    		fds_record_desc_t desc = {0};//The descriptor structure used to manipulate the record is zeroed out
            fds_find_token_t  tok  = {0};//The token that saves the key is cleared
            memcpy(&gtStorePara, &gtPara, sizeof(gtPara));
            //write_flag set
            m_fds_writeflag = false;
    		// Check the record exists
    		err_code = fds_record_find( CONFIG_FILE, CONFIG_REC_KEY, &desc, &tok );
    		/* Write the updated record to flash.*/
    		if( err_code == NRF_SUCCESS){
                err_code = fds_record_update(&desc, &gtPara_record);
                if(err_code == FDS_ERR_NO_SPACE_IN_FLASH){
                    m_fds_gc_done = false;
                    err_code = fds_gc();
                    gulFlashStoreNeeded = 1; //store data
                fds_stat_t stat = {0};
                err_code = fds_stat(&stat);
                err_code = fds_record_write(&desc, &gtPara_record);//Write records and data. Descriptor, used later to access the record ID
    #define LL_FLASH_WAITING_TIME_BEFORE_SLEEP  (98 + 338*1024/1000 + 1280) + 1000    // 98ms page-erase, 338us 4-byte-write, 1024 4-byte per page, 1280ms top-prior-BLE-adv. (refer to "chapter 9 Flash memory API" of "S132_SDS_v2.0.pdf")
    void LL_Power_BeforeSleep(void)
        //Store data and write crc checks again before sleep if charge or some data has not written
        //wait flash write success 
            for(uint16_t i=0; i<LL_FLASH_WAITING_TIME_BEFORE_SLEEP; i++){
    int main(void)
        bool erase_bonds;
        ret_code_t err_code;
        // Initialize the async SVCI interface to bootloader before any interrupts are enabled.
        err_code = ble_dfu_buttonless_async_svci_init();
        // Initialize.
    #ifdef  _LL_TIMESLOT
        err_code = esb_timeslot_init();
        err_code = esb_timeslot_sd_start();
        // system off if not from key trigger or charging.
    	if(LL_Battery_Charge__isCharging()) {  //if charging
            gtPara.ulNeedCharge = 0; gulFlashStoreNeeded = 1;  //store gtPara.ulNeedCharge
        }else if( key_shortPress() ) {		// if key pressed
           	// continue			       
    	// Start execution.
    		if(gulFlashStoreNeeded == 1){
    			gulFlashStoreNeeded = 2;
    			TimeStart(0);//Start the clock here 
    		}else if(gulFlashStoreNeeded == 2){
    			if(TimeStart(2000)) {//If you time it for 2000ms, start storing data
    				gulFlashStoreNeeded = 0; //Wait for the next data store
    		if( key_longPress()) { //if key longPress
    			gtPara.ulNeedCharge = 1; gulFlashStoreNeeded = 1;

    When I checked thoroughly today, I found that it was because I did not know when I called err_code = fds_record_write(&desc, &gtPara_record) twice; The result is that two pieces of data are stored under the same KEY and File ID.
    In my code, the condition for calling fds_record_write is err_code = fds_record_find(CONFIG_FILE, CONFIG_REC_KEY, &desc, &tok); fails to call fds_record_write again.

    I wonder if the constant charging reset will cause this situation in flash?

  • Hi Kenyon, 

    To make sure you are not calling write twice, you should have a semaphore to wait for the event FDS_EVT_WRITE in fds_evt_handler() to be success before you call write again. 

    I don't think doing reset multiple times when writing can cause the problem. If the record is written correctly before the reset, then the next fds_record_find() should be able to find it. If the writing is not finished, the CRC will not match.

  • Hi Hung Bui

    To make sure you are not calling write twice, you should have a semaphore to wait for the event FDS_EVT_WRITE in fds_evt_handler() to be success before you call write again. 

    This, in my opinion, only prevents two consecutive calls to fds_write caused by faulty software logic. Because the act of charging RESET is uncontrollable and random.Is it right?

    #define FDS_CRC_CHECK_ON_READ 1

    #define FDS_CRC_CHECK_ON_WRITE 0

    I only turned on the read CRC,I may need to turn on write crc as well.
    But I have a question: if there is no CRC write check, will fds_update also probably result in two sets of valid data in the same KEY &&FILE ID?

  • Hi, 

    I don't think turning that on would prevent the duplicate write issue. The setting is to check if the data writen has been modified when writing. If you have a reset in the middle of the writing process, in theory the data should just be marked as non-valid (not marked as valid). 
    When you turn on FDS_CRC_CHECK_ON_READ  a corrupted record will still can be found but not open. Have you make sure you can open the duplicated records ? 
    As I mentioned, please try to check and make sure you are not calling write fds_record_write() twice for the same record. 

  • Hi
    In the test I did just now, I didn't find that they called fds_write the second time, but I did find two more valid data in flash.
