ISP1907 IQ data

Hello, we are planning to evaluate several type of AoA algorithm, and we have ISP1907-AOA-DK kit from Insight-SiP
Is there any guideline you know to get IQ data from each antenna to calculate phase, and then finally calculate AoA through phase different.?

Here, can we access the IQ data / raw data from the ISP1907 accordingly as what we want.?
If not, then do you have other BLE kit for AoA purpose that the IQ data can be accessed.?
Thank you

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  • Hi  

    Thank you for your detailed answer. We really appreciate that.

    In simple way of having two antenas to calculate AoA, the phase for an antena can be calculated through the first equation below.

    Then the phase different between two antenas can be calculated through the second. The phase different can also be obtained if we have AoA information ( theta).

    If we know the phase different, then we can calculate the AoA accordingly as

    Here, I am particularly curious about which one is provided by the kit .?
    does it give the IQ data for each antenna, phi, phase different, or theta.? or does the kit calculate the AoA in different way.?

    Thank you very much.
