Manipulating GPIO Pins (from digital out to analog in and vise versa)


I am working on a project using the nRF52832 and the nRF5 SDK 17.1.0. We have a sensor with non linear behaviour and in our attempt to linearize it we found an article in which the author manipulates some pins in a certain way, to charge and discharge a capacitor. So, for example, the author mentions:
"We configure PortPin1 as a digital output, PortPin2 as an analog input, and PortPin3 as a digital output. We compute the time required to charge C40 to approximately 300 mV, and set PortPin1 high for that duration; then set PortPin1 to an analog input so no further current flows in or out there".
This action of changing digital out to analog in and vise versa is described a few more times within the article. So, my question is: What is the best way to simulate this functionality? I tried initializing and uninitializing SAADC channels to simulate the Dout to Ain and Ain to Dout transition (all 3 pins were connected to the AINX pins). Also, since the real reason for this seems to be "so no further current flows in or out there" i tried just disconnecting the pins instead of somehow transitioning them to analog in (this time the only analog pin was pin2 so i can measure the voltage of the capacitor, as described in the article). I was not able to make it work properly until now so i wanted to make sure that the problem is not the way i am handling these pins.

The article is this:

Thank you,

  • Hi!

    What is the best way to simulate this functionality?

    We don't offer any simulations tools for this. 

    Also, since the real reason for this seems to be "so no further current flows in or out there" i tried just disconnecting the pins instead of somehow transitioning them to analog in

    Sounds reasonable. I suggest setting the drive configuration of this pin1 to D0S1  then.

  • Hi!

    What is the best way to simulate this functionality?

    We don't offer any simulations tools for this. 

    Also, since the real reason for this seems to be "so no further current flows in or out there" i tried just disconnecting the pins instead of somehow transitioning them to analog in

    Sounds reasonable. I suggest setting the drive configuration of this pin1 to D0S1  then.

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