Code hangs when using SPI3

we are using SPI3 in nrf52840 with nrf SDK 16.0

we are using this as below

1. SPI3 init -polling mode  

2. SPI3 unint

3. SPI3 init - DMA mode

4. SPI3 unint 

5. SPI3 init -polling mode

6. SPI3 unit


The code gets hanged when we write through SPI3 after SPI3 is intialized in polling mode (STEP 5) in above steps 

Can anyone help us in identifying the reason for the hang? 

Thanks in advance,



Madhukeshwar P

Parents Reply
  • What accelerometer? I have a couple laying around. 

    we are using adxl355.

    I haven't seen any of your code yet, so difficult to say.

    Our project is too huge. we are trying to reproduce it in another project. we aren't able to reproduce the issue in another project.

    We are not using TASK_SUSPEND. this wont be the possible suspect.

    you can use a timer or something to detect that a certain amount of time has passed without it returning, and power cycle the SPIM3 using the snippet in the errata documentation.

    After executing this code snippet it is again returning to that while loop.
    Even I tried to abort the spi transfer, after executing this abort function it is returning to while loop only. it is coming out of while loop only when the device resets. 

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