NRF9160 custom board RTT init fails


I cannot resolve the problem while setting up modem trace RTT logging. I'm also unable to find up-to-date information on how to set this up.

I have connected DK as SWD bridge to my custom board, I also have USB-UART available via FTDI chip if that matters.

Step 2 link "Configure the board's devicetree to match the hardware setup" on Nordic infocenter for setting up custom board RTT is broken: Enabling tracing in the application .

I have tried to scroll through the 2.6.0 SDK which I'm using but it is a bit too complicated to catch on what is going on.

My RTT init fails to this:

I have set the following configurations to prj.conf.


I'm running 2.6.0 SDK and 2.6.0 toolchain.

Any tips or ideas on how to proceed or any alternative solution to debug connectivity issues on the custom board are more than welcome. Thank you.
