Using NCS's anti-spoofing keys with the FMDN locator tag app

I've been testing the FMDN locator tag sample application with a nRF52840 devkit and I would very much like to get an answer to the following questions:

1. Is it possible to get past the provisioning stage using Nordic's Model ID and anti-spoofing key without having filled out the "Google Fast Pair, Audio Switch & Find My Device Proposal Form"?

2. If so, what are the exact steps I need to take in order to get this to work? I understand that I need to be on "Google’s email allow list for the FMDN feature" but I'm not sure exactly what that entails. I've followed Google's model registration instructions (Fast Pair  |  Google for Developers) but that doesn't seem to help. I assume I would need a to have a device registered in the Nearby console with Nordic's Model ID and Anti-Spoofing key in order for my Android device to be able to properly provision the devkit running the locator tag app but I don't know how to do that assuming it's even possible.

Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Hi, 

    1. Is it possible to get past the provisioning stage using Nordic's Model ID and anti-spoofing key without having filled out the "Google Fast Pair, Audio Switch & Find My Device Proposal Form"?

    If the test Android device uses a primary email account that is not on Google’s email allow list for the FMDN feature, testing steps will fail at the FMDN provisioning stage for the default debug (uncertified) device model. To be able to test with debug device models, register your development email account by completing Google’s device proposal form. You can find the link to the device proposal form in the Fast Pair Find My Device Network extension specification.

    2. If so, what are the exact steps I need to take in order to get this to work?

    You can find the link to the device proposal form in the Fast Pair Find My Device Network extension specification. 

    Amanda H.

  • Hello Amanda,

    I currently have the same need : use Nordic's Model ID and anti-spoofing key to test the Tag Locator sample application provided in the last SDK.

    In order to have my email account registered in the Google’s email allow list, I understand I have to go through the Google’s device proposal form first. Nevertheless this process seems quite heavy since it requires my company to sign a NDA with Google and create our own Model ID. Is it the only one solution to make this test, or maybe I missed something ?


  • Hello Amanda,

    I currently have the same need : use Nordic's Model ID and anti-spoofing key to test the Tag Locator sample application provided in the last SDK.

    In order to have my email account registered in the Google’s email allow list, I understand I have to go through the Google’s device proposal form first. Nevertheless this process seems quite heavy since it requires my company to sign a NDA with Google and create our own Model ID. Is it the only one solution to make this test, or maybe I missed something ?

