sys build errors for the nrf54L15 PDK


I have recently attempted to port over to the latest v2.7.0 of the SDK by following the steps in the latest getting started guide for the L15. I have been able to build, flash, and see running, the hello world example as requested in the getting started guide. However, when attempting to build the radio_test example I am getting a build error from what looks to me like sysbuild. Do you have any ideas why this might be? See the below image for the build output. 

The command I used to build the application is: west build --sysbuild -b [email protected]/nrf54l15/cpuapp --pristine



  • I have just installed version v2.7.0 following the h20 dk getting started guide using the nrf connect for windows toolchain manager instead. Doing this seems to have resolved my issue. However, there was a note saying that installing the SDK in this way should only be done if using the h20 do you see any issue with me using it for the L15?



  • I have just installed version v2.7.0 following the h20 dk getting started guide using the nrf connect for windows toolchain manager instead. Doing this seems to have resolved my issue. However, there was a note saying that installing the SDK in this way should only be done if using the h20 do you see any issue with me using it for the L15?



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