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nrfjprog Error 41

I'm trying to flash to a device with the GCC toolchain using "make -f Makefile flash_softdevice" and nrfjprog fails with the message "ERROR: There is no debugger connected to the PC." Is there documentation available on what component I am missing here? It's in the nRF SDK version 11.0.0 on Windows.

  • nrfjprog is getting called since you get the message 'ERROR: There is no debugger connected to the PC." This is the kind of error message you get if you have no nRF5 board connected to the pc or it is turned off. You will also get this error if you try to flash a board that doesn't have an interface MCU running SEGGER firmware. So are you using a Nordic development kit? If you are using a 3rd party board like redbear labs nano or microbit then it may not work for this reason. If you are using a 3rd party board look at their documenation for how to flash their device (maybe they have a bootloader or maybe you need to use an external segger debugger (you can use the debug out port on an nRF51,2 development kit to program a custom boarD).

  • Hey, I've the same problem, I use the nrf52832 with softdevice S132 s132_nrf52_2.0.0-7.alpha for a ble application. it's works weel

    I want to add a bootloader.

    I tested first on the nordic kit and everything works fine. (I use External Tool for Flash programming : nrfjprog.exe with arguments: --program "#H" -f NRF52)

    Now I want to pass on my cotum pcb with nrf52832 and st-link debbuger and I've this error.

    If I understand well I need to use an external segger debugger ??

    There is no way to flash the bootloader with a ST-link debugger ?

    Thanks for your help

  • Hey, I've the same problem, I use the nrf52832 with softdevice S132 s132_nrf52_2.0.0-7.alpha for a ble application. it's works weel

    I want to add a bootloader.

    I tested first on the nordic kit and everything works fine. (I use External Tool for Flash programming : nrfjprog.exe with arguments: --program "#H" -f NRF52)

    Now I want to pass on my cotum pcb with nrf52832 and st-link debbuger and I've this error.

    If I understand well I need to use an external segger debugger ??

    There is no way to flash the bootloader with a ST-link debugger ?

    Thanks for your help

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