nRF logger to save nRF UART log files(Autosave APP)

Hello, everyone, I am a fresh guy using nrf toolbox to read UART (52833) logs.

Now I can get data via nRF-Logger from GooglePlay store, and I hope to develop

real-time graph APP with Andriod Studio. I found source code in Github :

It works but it looks different with GooglePlay APP, and I find nRF Logger 1.8.1

is similar with GooglePlay APP. Unfortunately nRF Logger 1.8.1 is developed by

Eclipse. Can someone kindly provide some advice? Thanks a lot.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Let me clarify, the versions numbers are not correlated, the API and the application are released separately. Source code is not shared. 

    We just hope to save log data

    into phone, and I can't find example in this link.

    You can just download the nRF Logger application to your phone. nRF Toolbox will then log the logs to the nRF Log application. You can then use nRF Log application to save the log.

    The nRF Log API is meant for users who are building their own application, and want to log to nRF Log similar to what nRF Toolbox is doing. 



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