how to disable UART0 for low power

I have a custom nRF9160 board running a modified asset_tracker program. I am using UART0 as a command line interface for testing and debugging. I can enter commands to setup and test the hardware. All is working perfectly. When the nRF9160 board is deployed in the field I need to run on batteries and no longer need the command line interface. Is there a simple or preferred way to disable the UART0 in order to reduce the power without making a completely new code base. The lower power is critical to the application.

Parents Reply
  • I have upgraded to V2.5.0 and I am trying to disable UART 0 using the following

        pm_device_action_run(uart0_dev, PM_DEVICE_ACTION_SUSPEND);
        pm_device_state_set(uart0_dev, PM_DEVICE_STATE_OFF);
    in either case I get the message "undefined reference to xxx". I have 
    "#include <zephyr/pm/device.h>"
    what am I doing wrong. How do I disable UART0? This is an urgent problem for production to reduce power.
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