Connecting two nrf52840 dongles with whitelisting

I want to simply connect two nrf 52840 dongles together with some level of security (OOB?) and with whitelisting. Basically I will have one dongle (central) be turning on and off intermittently- it is connect to my sensor. When it turns on (activate by the sensor) I want it to connect to the peripheral which registers a connection has taken place and activates my process. I have already gotten the two to connect, but I need them to only connect to each other so I can prevent other bluetooth devices from accidentally triggering the peripheral. I have read and done section 5 of the BLE fundamentals on the nordic dev academy, but that walk through is only for peripheral devices. I am having troubles getting my central to pair and bond.

Can you suggest ant examples or other walk-through to follow so I can learn this process? I am new to embedded programming with nordic so any suggestions are helpful. Thanks!
