Problems using nRF7002 with non-nRF MCU

Hello All,
I am trying nRF7002 shield on my non-nRF MCU and i am running the wifi sample app on zephyr (latest version as of today Aug 20)
I get this error most of the time when issuing "wifi" shell commands. however commands are successful 50% of the time.
Has anyone seen this before? should i enable or disable any kconfig for this?



Parents Reply
  • Hi Marte,
        Thanks for the follow up. 

    Yes i am still experiencing issues on this. I was so far testing on devkits.
    To rule out any setup issues I will test it on our actual boards which arrived last week.
    I tried changing the clock speeds too but it didn't too much.

    I will capture the logs accordingly and will keep you posted on it soon by today or tomorrow.. 


