Understanding about connection supervision timeout parameter

Hello everyone! I'm testing a device using nRF52832 module in quite noisy environment. I've experienced BLE disconnect and looking at RSSI value, I can see it went down to less than -80 dBm for a few seconds.

I'm trying to increase the connection supervision timeout to 20 secs. My master is an iPad tablet, using sniffer to check if the tablet accepts this parameter or not, it showed it accepted. Also, using sniffer, I verified that once having BLE disconnect, there was 20 secs that the tablet was waiting for the connection packet from the slave. 

My question was that how do I know when these 20 secs start counting down? Does that have a relation with the RSSI of the slave device?

The following image is the last connection packet that the Tablet sent to the slave at RSSI of -74 dBm. Is this RSSI value from the slave device? After the slave device sent one more data packet, it couldn't maintain the connection and the tablet kept sending something still it decided to stop BLE connection with the slave device. Thanks!


  • My question was that how do I know when these 20 secs start counting down? Does that have a relation with the RSSI of the slave device?

    The count down start when the device does not receives a packet within the connect event period, when the central device (in your case, the iPad) stops receiving packets from the peripheral device (your nRF52832 module). This could be due to various reasons such as interference, signal strength dropping below a certain threshold, or the peripheral device going out of range.

    The RSSI value you mentioned (-74 dBm) is likely the signal strength at which the central device is receiving packets from the peripheral device. However, it's important to note that RSSI values can fluctuate due to various factors such as interference, distance, and obstacles between the devices.
  • My question was that how do I know when these 20 secs start counting down? Does that have a relation with the RSSI of the slave device?

    The count down start when the device does not receives a packet within the connect event period, when the central device (in your case, the iPad) stops receiving packets from the peripheral device (your nRF52832 module). This could be due to various reasons such as interference, signal strength dropping below a certain threshold, or the peripheral device going out of range.

    The RSSI value you mentioned (-74 dBm) is likely the signal strength at which the central device is receiving packets from the peripheral device. However, it's important to note that RSSI values can fluctuate due to various factors such as interference, distance, and obstacles between the devices.