Is there any reason not to implement an bluetooth-mesh BLOB Transfer sample?

When I first created the BLOB Transfer model, I had to analysis the DFU sample code because there was no BLOB Transfer model sample.

Is it possible for me to create a sample and contribute it to the sdk-nrf if possible?
If possible, can I create a sample of the ctl model and contribute to it as well? Or are there any restrictions?

  • Hi TOT0Ro,

    Thank you for your interest in contributing to the SDK. We welcome it.

    Our Mesh R&D team think that it might be better to add the BLOB Server and Client, with Shell control, to the DFU samples. What do you think about this approach?

    Since  asked, below are the commands to evaluate BLOB models with the Mesh Shell sample. A Mesh colleague found it in his note. You will also need to enable the BLOB Server and Client models and Shell commands in the Mesh Shell sample first.


    # On BLOB sender shell:
    mesh init
    mesh cdb create 1234
    mesh cdb show
    mesh cdb app-key-add 0 0 
    mesh prov local 0 1
    mesh models cfg appkey add 0 0
    mesh models cfg model app-bind 1 0 0x1400
    mesh models cfg model app-bind 1 0 0x1401
    mesh prov auth-method none
    mesh prov remote-adv dddd0000000000000000000000000000 0 5 10
    mesh target dst 5
    mesh models cfg appkey add 0 0
    mesh models cfg model app-bind 5 0 0x1401
    mesh models cfg model app-bind 5 0 0x1400
    mesh models blob cli target 0x05
    # On BLOB receiver shell:
    mesh models blob srv rx 0xac
    # Then, on BLOB sender shell:
    mesh models blob cli tx 0xac 1024 12 30


  • Hi Hieu,

    I have not used Shell control ever, but it sounds good. I can try it.

    What do you think would be a good feature for the BLOB Transfer sample? I would like to suggest a very simple feature, like printing just the data stream.

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