ncs2.6.0 matter has Failed to reboot error.

Dear support team,
The customer used ncs2.6.0 to run on nRF52840 to make matter over thread smart door lock. When stress testing the switch lock (repeat: password unlock (the switch lock will control the motor, serial port communication, matter reports the lock status and power)--automatic lock), the program log output the following content:

00> 0?D?h
00>  _???Ho?(??F Fl?z?m?
00> ?m?i?m?g?S ?? ??^??? ???HD?M?%?]?? ???
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00> FK?@n???H? n)F??8@??V???8@?%?8?0?F??FF??,?FP?O?$S????)F(F? m? ?? ? 1? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ! endlessly...
00> B?`,ii?n?_?\??ZZn????N??"

By searching ncs, only "Failed to reboot: spinning endlessly..." was found in the sys_reboot function

Why did sys_reboot fail? What are the reasons for failure?



Parents Reply Children
  • Zero,

    zero said:
    Yes, this is a customer-customized device, but the customer application code does not execute sys_reboot; it cannot be reproduced on the dk at present.

    I would recommend you to connect the debugger, put a breakpoint in sys_arch_reboot and step into it to see if the it is executing the NVIC_SystemReset command for the nRF52. 

    Other thing I would recommend to try is to put 100ms delay in front of sys_arch_reboot to see if that helps. If it does, then there is either some ongoing flash activity or some other clock issues on your custom board. 

    It is hard to narrow down the problem from my end without being able to reproduce it on DK and not having your hardware with me.
