I added CCCD descriptor to Battery Level characteristic in the proximity_setup.xml. The nRFSTudio throws an error 0x01 while generating services.h. Kindly help me generate the service.h with addition of the CCCD
Attached is the XML.proximity_setup.xml
Below is the error log:
Generating code
Calling init with format code set to:0x3 Security set to: 0x1
Init called with apperance:0240
Init called with with clocksource: 0x1 Clock accuracy: 0x1 16MHz clock bypass setting set to 0x0
Init called with dcdc converter enable set to 0x0
Init called with devicenamewritelength 0x0
Calling whitelistdisable with:0x1
gap_set_device_name name: PROXIMITY 1.2short length: 0x9length: 0xd
ublue_setup_sec_set_params called with: auth_req: 0x0 io caps: 0x0 oob: 0x0 minimum size: 0x7 maximum key size: 0x10 bond timeout: 0x258 security request delay: 0x63
ublue_setup_hw_set_window_limit called with: limit set to: 0x64 auto off counter set to: 0xff dropedPacketThreshold set to: 0x2
hw_set_active_signal called with mode: 0x0 and distaceToTick: 0x0
hw_ad_set_tx_power called with inital power: 3 and gain set to: 0
ublue_setup_gap_set_ppcp called with inital minimum: 0x190 maximum 0x320 slave latency: 0x0 timeout multiplier: 0x258
Printout of table passed to ublue_setup_assign_vs_uuids
Nr: 0: 0xfd 0x1d 0x6d 0xfe 0xd0 0xaf 0xbd 0x93 0xe4 0x11 0x3f 0x29 0x0 0x0 0x9 0x3e
Adding primary service with UUID: 0x1804 base index: 0x1 and with location set to: 0x1
Adding characteristic with uuid: 0x2a07base: 0x1 maxdatalength: 1 attribute_len_type:0x1 description format code: 0x0 exponent: 0x0 unit: 0x0 namespace: 0x0 descriptor: 0x0 size of default value: 1 default value: 0 forceToOpen 0x0 forceEncryption 0x0
Defining pipe with id: 0x1 UUID: 2a07 Pipe type: 0x80 Security setting: 0x1
Adding primary service with UUID: 0x1802 base index: 0x1 and with location set to: 0x1
Adding characteristic with uuid: 0x2a06base: 0x1 maxdatalength: 1 attribute_len_type:0x1 description format code: 0x0 exponent: 0x0 unit: 0x0 namespace: 0x0 descriptor: 0x0 size of default value: 0 default value: forceToOpen 0x0 forceEncryption 0x0
Defining pipe with id: 0x2 UUID: 2a06 Pipe type: 0x8 Security setting: 0x1
Adding primary service with UUID: 0x1803 base index: 0x1 and with location set to: 0x1
Adding characteristic with uuid: 0x2a06base: 0x1 maxdatalength: 1 attribute_len_type:0x1 description format code: 0x0 exponent: 0x0 unit: 0x0 namespace: 0x0 descriptor: 0x0 size of default value: 1 default value: 0 forceToOpen 0x0 forceEncryption 0x0
Defining pipe with id: 0x3 UUID: 2a06 Pipe type: 0x400 Security setting: 0x1
Adding primary service with UUID: 0x180f base index: 0x1 and with location set to: 0x1
Adding characteristic with uuid: 0x2a19base: 0x1 maxdatalength: 1 attribute_len_type:0x1 description format code: 0x0 exponent: 0x0 unit: 0x0 namespace: 0x0 descriptor: 0x0 size of default value: 1 default value: 64 forceToOpen 0x0 forceEncryption 0x0
Defining pipe with id: 0x4 UUID: 2a19 Pipe type: 0x2 Security setting: 0x1
Defining pipe with id: 0x5 UUID: 2a19 Pipe type: 0x80 Security setting: 0x1
Calling ublue_setup_add_char_descriptor with uuid: 0x2902Base0x1 max_data_len: 0x8 attribute_len_type: 0x1 init_data_len: 0x1 p_init_data:1 forceToOpen 0x0 forceToEncryption 0x0
Return code: 0x1