Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

When the fds_gc() function is executed, all bonding information in the pairing area (flash) is erased.


I am using nRF52820 and nRF5 SDK (17.1.0).

When the fds_gc() function is executed, all bonding information in the pairing area (flash) is erased.

My understanding was that only bonding information deleted with the pm_peer_delete() function would be erased by the fds_gc() function, but in actual operation, all bonding information in the pairing area (flash) was erased.

When the fds_gc() function is executed, will all bonding information that I don't want to erase be erased as well?
If everything is erased, is there a way to erase only the unnecessary bonding information from the pairing area, leaving only the bonding information I want to use?

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