Bluetooth LE Fundamental, Lesson 3 Exercise 2 question about datalength and MTU settings

Dear Team,

into the Connection parameters chapeter of the Lesson 3 is stated that

The relation between data length and MTU is not one-to-one. On air, the data length can be up to 251 bytes, while the actual payload that you can send is a maximum of 244 bytes. This is because the 251 byte Data PDU payload needs an L2CAP Header of 4 bytes, and an Attribute header of 3 bytes. This leaves you with 251 – 4 – 3 = 244 bytes that you can actually populate with payload data.

but into the Exercise 2 at point 12 is written:


I've a doubt, but the CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_TX_MTU config should be set to 244 or this is set to 247 because the attribute header is not considered by this config?

Thanks and best regards.


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