Verifying whether device is a known device or not prior to connecting/pairing/bonding

Dear Nordic Team,

We are working on a solution where we want to only connect to a certain device if it is a known device and not accept any random requests.

We believe the information stated on this link:  Simple Application-level Authentication  is very helpful but the code: ble_nus_ecb zip file is not the complete code.

Can you please provide the complete project or point us in the right direction where we can get the project?


Ambimat Team.

  • Hi,

    The project is attached to the Simple Application-level Authentication blog post in the end of the post in a zip archive called Note that tis is for the old nRF5 SDK.

    This is based on connections, though. I do not know enough about your requierments to be specific, but if for instance the peer device is a phopne, you will in practice have to connect and bond once first in order to obtain the Identity Resolving Key (IRK). This can subsequently be used to filter/whitelist this (and potentially other) devices and only allow connections from that. You can see an example of that in the Bluetooth: Peripheral Accept List sample.

  • Hi,

    The project is attached to the Simple Application-level Authentication blog post in the end of the post in a zip archive called Note that tis is for the old nRF5 SDK.

    This is based on connections, though. I do not know enough about your requierments to be specific, but if for instance the peer device is a phopne, you will in practice have to connect and bond once first in order to obtain the Identity Resolving Key (IRK). This can subsequently be used to filter/whitelist this (and potentially other) devices and only allow connections from that. You can see an example of that in the Bluetooth: Peripheral Accept List sample.

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