nrfutil pkg extreemly slow on mac


using nrfutil pkg to generate the settings.hex file for the DFU is exceptionally slow on my M2.

I'm using what I believe is the latest version 

nrfutil 7.5.0 (063f665 2023-05-11)
commit-hash: 063f665c8ef5e4d46167077b52d39cf4e66ca24f
commit-date: 2023-05-11
host: aarch64-apple-darwin
build-timestamp: 2023-05-11T07:48:35.836017Z
classification: nrf-external

Is this expected?

Is this the latest version?

Running it on linux it's a couple hundred ms to finish, where on osx it's 15 seconds.

Parents Reply
  • Sorry for confusing you as it was confusing for me as well I have now got a very clear answer from the dev team.

    nrfutil pkg is related to our legacy DFU solution for the deprecated nRF5 SDK. That is, nrfutil pkg development is stopped. So we will not prioritize or support any issues in this. I can still create an internal ticket as this is infact a bug, but I cannot promise if this will be fixed anytime soon, if they fix it all. 
