How to get stats for heap size usage when using nRF Connect SDK with CONFIG_COMMON_LIBC_MALLOC=y

As recommended by the documentation I am using the malloc/free in the common libc branch.

This code (in zephyr/lib/libc/common/source/stdlib/malloc.c) uses sys_heap_init() with a struct sys_heap that it creates (in my config with CONFIG_COMMON_LIBC_MALLOC_ARENA_SIZE=-1) using a heap_base just after _end, and running to the end of RAM. (around 300K).

I would like to be able to log the heap current usage and high water mark during the run of the firmware.

I have found the posts about enabling CONFIG_SYS_HEAP_RUNTIME_STATS and using code like this:

    uint32_t heap_free = 0;
    uint32_t heap_used = 0;
    uint32_t heap_max_used = 0;
    extern struct k_heap _system_heap;
    struct sys_memory_stats stats;
    sys_heap_runtime_stats_get(&_system_heap.heap, &stats);
    heap_used = (uint32_t)stats.allocated_bytes;
    heap_max_used = (uint32_t)stats.max_allocated_bytes;
    heap_free = (uint32_t)stats.free_bytes;
    log_info("System Stats: Heap %d at boot, now : free %u, used %u, max used %u. Malloc says total alloc todate is %u", _boot_heap_size, heap_free, heap_used, heap_max_used, _allocated_total);
(note I calculate _boot_heap_size  myself with the same calculation used by malloc_prepare(), and track _allocated_total in my wrapper round malloc)
The values for stats.allocated_bytes, stats.max_allocated_bytes, stats.free_bytes are not at all as expected eg:
[00:57:03.272,064] <inf> base: System Stats: Heap 251192 at boot, now : free 3380, used 632, max used 912. Malloc says total alloc todate is 165901
Is this because the 'k_heap_system_heap' is not the same heap used by malloc (seems to be Z_LIBC_DATA static struct sys_heap z_malloc_heap; in malloc.c)?
How can i get the 'real' heap used by malloc in this case (without hacking malloc.c to make it not be static...)?
btw, sys_heap_print_info(&_system_heap.heap,true); gives me the same log output...

  • A hacky workaround:

    at line 131 of zephyr/lib/libc/common/source/stdlib/malloc.c, remove the 'static' keyword so it reads:

    Z_LIBC_DATA  struct sys_heap z_malloc_heap;
    then get the stats on this structure:
        extern struct sys_heap z_malloc_heap;
        struct sys_memory_stats stats;
        sys_heap_runtime_stats_get(&z_malloc_heap, &stats);
    and you get the stats for the actual heap used by common libc malloc/free.
    But I can't see a way to get this structure without modifting the core zephyr code....
  • Hi!


    I was blocked by the exact same issue as you.


    You will need to enable user space (CONFIG_USERSPACE=y) to expose the libc heap:

    extern struct k_mem_partition z_malloc_partition;

    This gives me access to the picolibc internals:

    (gdb) print z_malloc_partition
    $1 = {
      start = 0x20000000,
      size = 0x2720,
      attr = {
        rbar = 0x3,
        mair_idx = 0x1

    However, if you do not really need to enable userspace, I would rather recommend that you use the kernel heap management, ie. k_* prefixed functions.


    Kind regards,


  • However, if you do not really need to enable userspace, I would rather recommend that you use the kernel heap management, ie. k_* prefixed functions.

    Ok... you mean not have 

     in prj.conf?
    and then call k_malloc/k_free directly in my code instead of malloc/free?
    k_malloc uses  extern struct k_heap _system_heap then?
    How is the size of this configured (eg to be rest of free RAM)?