NCS - Visual Studio Code and Source Control question

Dear all,

during the developing stage sometime the PROBLEMS panel show erros that are not real so a first question is what can be do to give such panel updated with the project? of course close and open again VS fix the issue but it is not a practical approach in development.

Another question is about the Source Control panel, every time I made some change to the source code I've a notification, I know git is used to work in team, but it is also useable for single developing, in other words, I can use and may be of some help manage this in local?

Al last question I can see for every design this windows on the right corner by overing the mouse on the design name

doing West update seems not finish, there are some things to do/consider about this?

Thanks and best regards.


  • Hello,

    Sorry for getting back to you a bit late. I have been assigned to this case, but I was out of office  for the last two days.

    uring the developing stage sometime the PROBLEMS panel show erros that are not real so a first question is what can be do to give such panel updated with the project?

    Could you share what problems are being shown in the problem panel?

    Another question is about the Source Control panel, every time I made some change to the source code I've a notification, I know git is used to work in team, but it is also useable for single developing, in other words, I can use and may be of some help manage this in local?

    Yes, Git is very useful even when you're working alone. It helps you track changes, maintain different versions of your code, and manage your project efficiently. The notifications you’re seeing are just reminders to help you keep track of the changes you’ve made. Using Git locally is perfectly fine and can be a great way to manage your development process.

    Al last question I can see for every design this windows on the right corner by overing the mouse on the design name

    I suspect this might be due to different versions of the SDK and toolchain. From the screenshot you shared, I can see that you are working with SDK version V2.6.1 and toolchain version 2.7.0. While this combination should work, some packages might differ in toolchain v2.7.0. Could you try using the latest SDK or switching to toolchain v2.6.1 with the same SDK version to see if the issue persists?

    Kind Regards,


  • Dear Abhijith,

    Could you share what problems are being shown in the problem panel?

    are error about zephyr library not found ecc... but if you close and open again VS Code the build and flash working properly so I think it is an issue of VS Code or some other conflict, but is not a trouble about the design itself...

    Yes, Git is very useful even when you're working alone. It helps you track changes, maintain different versions of your code, and manage your project efficiently. The notifications you’re seeing are just reminders to help you keep track of the changes you’ve made. Using Git locally is perfectly fine and can be a great way to manage your development process.

    I know how to use GIT with remote repo, but it is also possible to emulate same behavior in local way? I mean use a local repo where to develop and use another local repo to emulate what normally is do with a remote repo?

    Could you try using the latest SDK or switching to toolchain v2.6.1 with the same SDK version to see if the issue persists?

    thanks for the advice, I'll try to install the 2.7.0 SDK to be aligned with the toolchain. I'll report my result.

    Thanks and best regards!


  • I've updted the SDK to the 2.7.0 but message of out sink persist.

    Thanks and best regards.


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