Custom Signing Function

NCS v2.7.0 and sysbuild system.

I'm looking for some clarification about Secure Boot and implementing a custom signing command.

What is the difference between secure boot and the signing that happens when you just set BOOT_SIGNATURE_KEY_FILE="/path/to/key.pem"? 

Examining the scripts in `nrf/scripts/bootloaders/` it appears that all of the signing and verification functions are expecting ECDSA keys, which I was unable to find anywhere in the documentation.  Is there a way to get this to work with RSA keys? or is ECDSA my only option?

The documentation ( says that the output of the signing function should be in DER format.  

When I ran this signing command that output an actual DER formatted signature, the build system threw an error that it was expecting a 64 byte signature, i.e. just the R and S values of the signature.  When I modified the code to write the R and S values it worked as expected.

    signature = private_key.sign(data, ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256()))
    # This is the der formatted signature. It would be 70 bytes
    # sys.stdout.buffer.write(signature)
    # Instead, extract the R and S values and print them to stdout

    r, s = decode_dss_signature(signature)

    r_bytes = r.to_bytes(32, "big")
    s_bytes = s.to_bytes(32, "big")
    sig = bytearray(r_bytes)

