Add peripheral support with BIS enabled.


I am currently working with the nRF5340 Audio DKs and have successfully implemented the gateway and handset functionalities.

Now, I want to extend the system by enabling the peripheral role and GATT services to modify the broadcast information.

I've attempted to configure this by adjusting the relevant settings and connection intervals, but I haven't had success so far.

Additionally, when I connect the device to my S23, it seems to time out easily.

uart:~$ GW [00:01:02.533,172] <inf> bt_mgmt: Disconnected: 7B:5D:3B:CA:42:69 (random) (reason 0x13)
GW [00:01:02.533,203] <wrn> main: Unexpected/unhandled bt_mgmt event: 6
GW [00:01:02.533,233] <inf> main: advertising for config
GW [00:01:02.533,172] <inf> bt_mgmt: Disconnected: 7B:5D:3B:CA:42:69 (random) (reason 0x13)
GW [00:01:02.533,203] <wrn> main: Unexpected/unhandled bt_mgmt event: 6
GW [00:01:02.533,233] <inf> main: advertising for config
uart:~$ GW [00:01:04.993,286] <inf> bt_mgmt: Connected: 55:4D:60:32:5D:45 (random)
GW [00:01:04.993,316] <wrn> main: Unexpected/unhandled bt_mgmt event: 2
GW [00:01:04.993,377] <inf> main: Request conn param min=200 max=200
GW [00:01:04.993,469] <inf> main: Connected 55:4D:60:32:5D:45 (random)
GW [00:01:04.993,286] <inf> bt_mgmt: Connected: 55:4D:60:32:5D:45 (random)
GW [00:01:04.993,316] <wrn> main: Unexpected/unhandled bt_mgmt event: 2
GW [00:01:04.993,377] <inf> main: Request conn param min=200 max=200
GW [00:01:04.993,469] <inf> main: Connected 55:4D:60:32:5D:45 (random)
uart:~$ GW [00:01:10.293,090] <inf> main: updated: interval=200 latency=2, timeout=400
GW [00:01:10.293,090] <inf> main: updated: interval=200 latency=2, timeout=400
uart:~$ GW [00:01:14.030,578] <inf> bt_mgmt: Disconnected: 55:4D:60:32:5D:45 (random) (reason 0x08)
GW [00:01:14.030,609] <wrn> main: Unexpected/unhandled bt_mgmt event: 6
GW [00:01:14.030,700] <inf> main: advertising for config
GW [00:01:14.030,578] <inf> bt_mgmt: Disconnected: 55:4D:60:32:5D:45 (random) (reason 0x08)
GW [00:01:14.030,609] <wrn> main: Unexpected/unhandled bt_mgmt event: 6
GW [00:01:14.030,700] <inf> main: advertising for config

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Here is my board and SDK information:

Board: nRF5340 Audio DK

SDK: nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0

Application: nrf/applications/nrf5340_audio

