Problems with the sim card and unable to do a GPIO test on the sim pins.

Hello, i´m having some problems with the SIM card on my custom NRF9160 board.

if i try to use the AT%XSIM? command to check for the UUIC state i get the following response:

%XSIM: 0,9

9 – Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) card failure

In order to try to discard bad soldring i´m trying to use AT%XGPIOTEST command to set the pins between high and low and check if something outputs from them, but i´m getting an error response.

What is the correct procedure for using this command ?

I also have a question about the sim card, if i have a sim card that doesn´t support either NB-IOT or CAT-M could the UUIC state of it be read ?, i´m suspecting this is the case, but i want to make sure no solder points are bad.


I just discovered there is a production test image for modem firmware, i already flashed another modem firmware on it to try to solve some echos i had, is there any way it could be made avaliable so i can test my board ? My hardware version is nRF9160 SICA B1A

Edit 2:

I scoped the sim holder pins changing between CFUN=4 and CFUN=1, all pins have activity, 1.8V, RST, I/O go to 1.8V while CLK has a clock signal. This makes me believe eaven more that there is something wrong with the SIM card.

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