The code below is transmitting data from device (mcu+BLE) to an open source BLE terminal :
void BLE_communication_device_to_app(void) {
ble.updateCharacteristicValue(characteristic2.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), (const uint8_t*)rx_value1, strlen((const char*)rx_value1));
ble.updateCharacteristicValue(characteristic2.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), (const uint8_t*)rx_value2, strlen((const char*)rx_value2));
ble.updateCharacteristicValue(characteristic2.getValueAttribute().getHandle(), (const uint8_t*)rx_value3, strlen((const char*)rx_value3));
When the data transmitted over to the mobile, the data are stick together and sometimes zero appear between the data during display. Is there any way can arrange and transmit the data properly in the mcu as currently i'm still using open source app to do checking and displaying to people. Kindly advice. Thanks.