Unable to build when enabling CONFIG_DEBUG on nRF5340 platforms in NCS 2.6.1

I'm trying to debug on the Thingy:53 platform using an Nordic DK as the J-Link intermediate. However, with NCS 2.6.1, adding `CONFIG_DEBUG=y` to the project configuration causes the network core binary to be way too big for flash (see output below). If I create an empty application with nothing in the configuration except `CONFIG_DEBUG=y`, then build for the Thingy:53 (or nRF5340-DK) board using NCS toolkit and SDK 2.6.1, the size of the flash image for the `tfm` component is ~64388/48640 B, 132.38% (see output below; without debug enabled it uses 65%). On NCS 2.5.2 and previous, it's still large (47944/48640 B, 98.57%) but it at least didn't cause any problems.

I tried to disable debugging on the network core by adding `CONFIG_DEBUG=n` to `child_image/empty_network_core.conf` (this is still a parent-child image, not using sysbuild) but this does not seem to work, maybe because this is triggering other flags as well. I've tried unsuccessfully to find a way to enable debugging only for the application core, there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do this.

This raises two questions:

  1. How do I get around this? Even a blank application generates too much code to store in the 48KB TFM partition on the network core with debugging enabled. I really only care about debugging the application core.
  2. Even if I enable debugging on the application core only, does this imply debugging will no longer work on the application core with newer NCS versions? It doesn't matter to me, the network core doesn't run code I ever care to debug, but it's maybe problematic for others.

[165/169] Linking C executable bin/tfm_s.axf
FAILED: bin/tfm_s.axf 
: && /opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/580e4ef81c/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/arm-zephyr-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m33+nofp -g -mcpu=cortex-m33+nofp --entry=Reset_Handler -specs=nano.specs -Wl,-check-sections -Wl,-fatal-warnings -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--no-wchar-size-warning -Wl,--print-memory-usage -Wl,-Map=/Users/awertz/Google/Personal/nordic/fricsense/blank/build/tfm/bin/tfm_s.map -mfloat-abi=soft -Wl,--cmse-implib,--out-implib=/Users/awertz/Google/Personal/nordic/fricsense/blank/build/tfm/secure_fw/s_veneers.o -T /Users/awertz/Google/Personal/nordic/fricsense/blank/build/tfm/platform/target/nrf5340/nrf_common/CMakeFiles/tfm_s_scatter.dir/./__/__/__/__/common/gcc/tfm_common_s.ld secure_fw/CMakeFiles/tfm_s.dir/partitions/ns_agent_tz/psa_api_veneers_v80m.o secure_fw/CMakeFiles/tfm_s.dir/__/platform/ext/target/nordic_nrf/common/core/startup.o secure_fw/CMakeFiles/tfm_s.dir/__/platform/ext/target/nordic_nrf/common/core/startup_nrf5340.o secure_fw/CMakeFiles/tfm_s.dir/__/platform/ext/common/faults.o secure_fw/CMakeFiles/tfm_s.dir/__/generated/secure_fw/partitions/crypto/auto_generated/load_info_tfm_crypto.o secure_fw/CMakeFiles/tfm_s.dir/__/generated/secure_fw/partitions/platform/auto_generated/load_info_tfm_platform.o secure_fw/CMakeFiles/tfm_s.dir/partitions/ns_agent_tz/load_info_ns_agent_tz.o secure_fw/CMakeFiles/tfm_s.dir/__/platform/ext/common/syscalls_stub.o -o bin/tfm_s.axf  platform/libplatform_s.a  secure_fw/partitions/lib/runtime/libtfm_sprt.a  secure_fw/spm/libtfm_spm.a  secure_fw/partitions/crypto/libtfm_psa_rot_partition_crypto.a  platform/libplatform_crypto_keys.a  secure_fw/partitions/crypto/mbedcrypto/nrf_security_src/libcrypto_service_mbedcrypto.a  secure_fw/partitions/platform/libtfm_psa_rot_partition_platform.a  platform/libplatform_s.a  secure_fw/partitions/lib/runtime/libtfm_sprt.a  secure_fw/spm/libtfm_spm.a  secure_fw/partitions/crypto/libtfm_psa_rot_partition_crypto.a  platform/libplatform_crypto_keys.a  secure_fw/partitions/crypto/mbedcrypto/nrf_security_src/libcrypto_service_mbedcrypto.a  secure_fw/partitions/platform/libtfm_psa_rot_partition_platform.a  platform/libplatform_s.a  secure_fw/partitions/lib/runtime/libtfm_sprt.a  secure_fw/spm/libtfm_spm.a  secure_fw/partitions/crypto/libtfm_psa_rot_partition_crypto.a  platform/libplatform_crypto_keys.a  secure_fw/partitions/crypto/mbedcrypto/nrf_security_src/libcrypto_service_mbedcrypto.a  secure_fw/partitions/platform/libtfm_psa_rot_partition_platform.a  /opt/nordic/ncs/v2.6.1/nrfxlib/crypto/nrf_cc312_platform/lib/cortex-m33/soft-float/no-interrupts/libnrf_cc312_platform_0.9.19.a  /opt/nordic/ncs/v2.6.1/nrfxlib/crypto/nrf_oberon/lib/cortex-m33/soft-float/liboberon_mbedtls_3.0.14.a  secure_fw/partitions/crypto/mbedcrypto/nrf_security_src/libmbedcrypto_base.a  /opt/nordic/ncs/v2.6.1/nrfxlib/crypto/nrf_oberon/lib/cortex-m33/soft-float/liboberon_3.0.14.a && :
/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/580e4ef81c/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: address 0x1d460 of bin/tfm_s.axf section `.TFM_UNPRIV_CODE' is not within region `FLASH'
/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/580e4ef81c/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: address 0x1fc40 of bin/tfm_s.axf section `.gnu.sgstubs' is not within region `FLASH'
/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/580e4ef81c/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: bin/tfm_s.axf section `.TFM_DATA' will not fit in region `FLASH'
/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/580e4ef81c/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: address 0x1d460 of bin/tfm_s.axf section `.TFM_UNPRIV_CODE' is not within region `FLASH'
/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/580e4ef81c/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: address 0x1fc40 of bin/tfm_s.axf section `.gnu.sgstubs' is not within region `FLASH'
/opt/nordic/ncs/toolchains/580e4ef81c/opt/zephyr-sdk/arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-zephyr-eabi/12.2.0/../../../../arm-zephyr-eabi/bin/ld: region `FLASH' overflowed by 15748 bytes
Memory region         Used Size  Region Size  %age Used
           FLASH:       64388 B      48640 B    132.38%
             RAM:       14564 B        32 KB     44.45%
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

  • it looks like Thingy:53 applications are mostly built without the TFM support and we have not tested anything with non secure support. Is it a necessity that you need to use Thingy:53? Can't you use the DK if are trying to evaluate some sample?

  • I'm using the Thingy:53 specifically to test with the sensors already on the device, so it's convenient to occasionally be able to debug on the device itself, I assume that was the intent.

    However, good point about building without TFM. I didn't know what that was or that it should just be disabled, but that's easy enough to do and works fine, thanks.

    But in the event using the T-FM was necessary, or if there was ever a case for some other reason I wanted to make sure a flag is enabled only for the parent image, is there a way to specify that in the build? It seems like CONFIG_DEBUG=y is turning on other flags which aren't disabled by specifying CONFIG_DEBUG=n in the network core's child image. Unless I'm just misunderstanding exactly what's going on.

  • I'm using the Thingy:53 specifically to test with the sensors already on the device, so it's convenient to occasionally be able to debug on the device itself, I assume that was the intent.

    However, good point about building without TFM. I didn't know what that was or that it should just be disabled, but that's easy enough to do and works fine, thanks.

    But in the event using the T-FM was necessary, or if there was ever a case for some other reason I wanted to make sure a flag is enabled only for the parent image, is there a way to specify that in the build? It seems like CONFIG_DEBUG=y is turning on other flags which aren't disabled by specifying CONFIG_DEBUG=n in the network core's child image. Unless I'm just misunderstanding exactly what's going on.

  • Anthony W said:
    I wanted to make sure a flag is enabled only for the parent image, is there a way to specify that in the build? It seems like CONFIG_DEBUG=y is turning on other flags which aren't disabled by specifying CONFIG_DEBUG=n in the network core's child image. Unless I'm just misunderstanding exactly what's going on.

    Yeah, the dependencies are crazy here. If you want to make sure you want to disable something, put that config value to be disabled in your prj.conf and see that it does not generate any warnings of being overwritten in the compile log. If there are warnings saying that your config in prj.conf is overwritten, then it will also give you the dependency that made it so. 
