I am using the Nordic Semiconductor Power Profiling Kit II to measure the interval time of a periodic activity of a target device by monitoring the power consumption and measuring the time from one peak in power consumption to the next one. I found a lot of documentation on the accuracy of the current measurement but I did not find any information about the accuracy of the time trace. I did not find any statement about the clock accuracy/relative accuracy of the time stamps in the documentation. Of course there are contributions to the uncertainty due to the evaluation method (i.e. limited accuracy due to the smoothing selected in the advanced settings, the algorithm for finding the peak maximum or edge and so on) which I need to account for myself. Also I understand that the absolute accuracy will be worse because it requires accounting for latencies, delays and synchronization between the clock of the host computer and the data which might introduce additional inaccuracies. So what is the accuracy of the time difference between two current samples in the measurement data?