Issue with BLE DFU in Zephyr, not enough space

I'm developping an application on the NRF52833 chip with DFU using BLE

I havn't deployed a lot of thing in my software and I was surprised to see that my software doesn't fits into half of flash.

Without Zephyr, I can use Soft Device Controller on a specific partition and put my software on an other. Making like that reduce the cost of the BLE in the flash more than 100 KB, since it is present only once !

I can't manage to do the same thing using Zephyr.

I try different methods like CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT in my prj.conf but none succeeds.

So I took a simple peripheral_lbs software and add the CONFIG_NCS_SAMPLE_MCUMGR_BT_OTA_DFU key.

It works, but it is using 190 KB / 232 KB to blink a led. No possible for me to add a lot of thing.

I think something I made is wrong because I found really strange to have a chip that is full only adding a library without any space for custom code .....

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