[nRF52840, NCS 2.5.0] Is it possible to reduce (or disable) the packet re-transmissions in the BLE stack?


I am working on a BLE application based on the nRF52840 and NCS 2.5.0.

I'd like to reduce or disable the packet retransmissions. I've looked through the NCS documentation but couldn't find anything to that topic.

Is this possible?

I'm aware that there are a couple of similar posts here on the forum, but they seemed rather old and were referring to the nRF5 SDK. 

I did see that the Zephyr LL exposes a parameter CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_RETRY_DISABLE that seems to disable retransmissions completely,

but my application uses MPSL which is not compatible with the Zephyr LL.

Any help is much appreciated.


  • Hi,

    For "normal" BLE connections, reducing or disabling re-transmissions is not possible per the specification (for isochronous conections used in for instance LE Audio, this is different, as here retransmissions are confiburable). This is according to the Bluetooth sepcification, and that cannot be adjusted. CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_RETRY_DISABLE for the Zephyr LL does not disable retransmittions, but would make sure that retransmissions don't happen in the current connection event (wait for the next before attempting to retransmitt).

  • Hi,

    For "normal" BLE connections, reducing or disabling re-transmissions is not possible per the specification (for isochronous conections used in for instance LE Audio, this is different, as here retransmissions are confiburable). This is according to the Bluetooth sepcification, and that cannot be adjusted. CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_RETRY_DISABLE for the Zephyr LL does not disable retransmittions, but would make sure that retransmissions don't happen in the current connection event (wait for the next before attempting to retransmitt).
