BLE Connection by verifying thr enryption using ECDH

hello everyone,

I have a task to establish the connection between the BLE peripheral and mobile application after verifying the encryption by exchanging the public key of the peripheral and mobile application using the ECDH algorithm. 

is it possible to exchange the keys before the connection and verify the security? if possible kindly suggest to me which example should I use. Kindly give me an idea on this.



Parents Reply
  • Hi Srinivasa,

    Most nRF5 SDK 17.x.x samples that support bonding support support LESC (LE Secure Connections is the standard way to do pairing with ECDH). You can serach for the examples and pick any that has a call to nrf_ble_lesc_request_handler() to see how LESC is handled.

    PS: I recomend you migrate to SDK 17.1.0 if you want to stay on the nRF5 SDK as that has some important fixes and support the latest revision nRF52832 devices.



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