BLE HID device is not visible in my TV


I have used nrf5_SDK//examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_hids_keyboard & ble_app_hids_mouse  both examples with my nrf52840-DK this device is visible in my mobile and laptop both, but when i am trying to connect it with my smart TV or Fire-stick, it is not visible over there, Why?

And when i have make device as a game-pad using one source code on git, then we are able to get device visible in all mobile, laptop and TV( or fire-stick) as game-pad profile. So my question is that, Is i am able to connect my NRF52840 device with TV with HID profile? or it will only connect with Gamepad profile devices?

Do anyone have solution to my my device visible in TV or Fire-stick as HID device profile. I am using the latest smart tv's and also tried in latest fire-stick.
