pc-ble-driver-py error NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM on service discovery


I'm facing a problem in pc-ble-driver-py. I adjusted the uuid_count, but the code still fails at the service discovery line:


Attached is the code that searches for devices by MAC address, connects to the corresponding MAC address, initiates service discovery, and prints the data received after enabling notifications. I have two MAC addresses: one for a heart rate sensor and another for an HMI module I'm working on. Service discovery works perfectly with the heart rate sensor but fail with the HMI module. Could you please help me in identifying where I might be going wrong?

import sys
import time
from queue import Queue, Empty
from pc_ble_driver_py.ble_driver import *
from pc_ble_driver_py.ble_adapter import *
from pc_ble_driver_py.observers import *

# Constants
BAUD_RATE = 1000000
# MAC_ADDRESS = 'F2:3A:48:56:0B:72'  # mac address for heart rate sensor
MAC_ADDRESS = 'C6:C8:B9:35:FC:5D'  # mac address for connected hmi

# Observer class to handle BLE events
class MyBLEDriverObserver(BLEDriverObserver, BLEAdapterObserver):
    def __init__(self, adapter):
        super(MyBLEDriverObserver, self).__init__()
        self.found_device = False
        self.conn_handle = None
        self.conn_queue = Queue()
        self.ble_adapter = adapter
        self.ble_adapter.default_mtu = 250

    def on_gap_evt_adv_report(self, ble_driver, conn_handle, peer_addr, rssi, adv_type, adv_data):
        address_string = ":".join("{0:02X}".format(b) for b in peer_addr.addr)
        print(f"Found device with address: {address_string}")
        if address_string == MAC_ADDRESS:
            print("Attempting to connect to device...")
                self.found_device = True
                self.ble_adapter.connect(peer_addr, tag=1)
                print(f"Connection initiated to {address_string}")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Failed to connect: {str(e)}")
    def on_gap_evt_connected(self, ble_driver, conn_handle, peer_addr, role, conn_params):
        address_string = ":".join("{0:02X}".format(b) for b in peer_addr.addr)
        print(f"Connected to {address_string}")
        self.conn_handle = conn_handle

    def on_gap_evt_disconnected(self, ble_driver, conn_handle, reason):
        print(f"Disconnected, reason: {reason}")
        self.conn_handle = None

    def on_gap_evt_timeout(self, ble_driver, conn_handle, src):
        print("Connection timed out")

    def on_notification(self, ble_adapter, conn_handle, uuid, data):
        if len(data) > 32:
            data = "({}...)".format(data[0:10])
        print("Connection: {}, {} = {}".format(conn_handle, uuid, data))
    def disconnect(self, conn_handle):
         if conn_handle is not None:
            print(f"Disconnected from {MAC_ADDRESS}")

def main():
    UUID_serial_number = "8E580002-3B28-4145-9213-F0646C15AB5E"
    UUID_transmission_control = "6A430001-50EF-47EB-81B3-3FD7644155EC"
    UUID_HeartRate_BATTERY_LEVEL = BLEUUID(BLEUUID.Standard.battery_level)

    # Initialize the BLE driver
    ble_driver = BLEDriver(serial_port=SERIAL_PORT, baud_rate=BAUD_RATE, log_severity_level="trace")
    ble_adapter = BLEAdapter(ble_driver)

    observer = MyBLEDriverObserver(ble_adapter)

    # Configuring GATT settings (MTU size)
    gatt_cfg = BLEConfigConnGatt()
    gatt_cfg.att_mtu = ble_adapter.default_mtu
    gatt_cfg.tag = 1
    ble_adapter.driver.ble_cfg_set(BLEConfig.conn_gatt, gatt_cfg)


    # Start scanning for peripherals
    scan_duration = 5
    scan_params = BLEGapScanParams(interval_ms=200, window_ms=150, timeout_s=scan_duration)

    # Wait for device discovery
        new_conn = observer.conn_queue.get(timeout=scan_duration)
        print("a = ", new_conn)
        a = ble_adapter.service_discovery(new_conn)
        print("Device Connected")

        # ble_adapter.enable_notification(new_conn, BLEUUID(UUID_serial_number))
        # ble_adapter.enable_notification(new_conn, UUID_transmission_control)
        # ble_adapter.enable_notification(new_conn, UUID_HeartRate_BATTERY_LEVEL)
    except Empty:
        print("No Device found.")

    # Keep the program running to handle BLE events
    if new_conn is not None:
            while True:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("Keyboard Interrupt!!!")


if __name__ == "__main__":

  • Hello,

    Sorry for the late reply. 

    How did you conclude it returned NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM? Did it print that in the log?

    You say that you adjusted the uuid_count, from what to what? Did it work before you changed it?

    Please note that this python tool is not intended for production quality, but for testing purposes. It is no longer being maintained by us, and it is based on an old version of the SoftDevice (Bluetooth Low Energy stack). 

    Did you try digging into service_discovery()? Try adding some printing to determine where in this function it decides to return the value that it does.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Edvin,

    How did you conclude it returned NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM? Did it print that in the log?

    The log indicates an error with the message:

    pc_ble_driver_py.exceptions.NordicSemiException: Failed to ble_vs_uuid_add. Error code: NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM

    This issue arises in a testing application context. I tried diging in the service_discovery() loop in this line, 11 services are discovered but only 9 are successfully added. The system fails to add the 10th and 11th service.

    Best Regards,
    Nakul Pandhare
