Multiple connections with iso timer synchronization

I am using the sample code from Nordic SDK v2.6.99-cs2 Bluetooth: ISO time synchronization.

I am trying to use the sample in broadcast isochronous streams mode by placing 2 development kits simulating sensors in beacon mode by typing either b in the terminal emulator. and another one as receivers of the broadcast isochronous stream.type r in the terminal.

I made the following changes:

definition #define CONFIG_BT_ISO_MAX_CHAN 1 to 4

but I still do not receive the two sensor information from the beacon on the receiver. the receiver connects to only one of the beacons and does not try to connect to another.

Here are the questions:

1) analyzing the code, the receiver connects only with one address of bis_channels. Does this mean that the receiver can only synchronize one connection channel?

When I create a new bt_iso_big_sync(sync, &big_sync_param, &big); with another address, the error code appears. Why does this happen?

2) I want to create a network with two sensors sending temperature information (each with its own temperature), one on each channel but both synchronized. Is this possible using iso timer synchronization?
