After reconnect, Bluetooth multiple identical data appears (and is sent).


 We are using the nrfconnect for thread and zigbee 3.2.

 We have modelled our Bluetooth peripheral, running on the nrf52840, on the BLE UART example. It connects fine to the BLE UART central example. In the final application it connects to a Android tablet via Bluetooth.

 When connected to the tablet, we noticed that if the peripheral is reset, it immediately reconnects (even though the tablet is not scanning). Thats OK, but I've noticed that every bit of data sent and received by the tablet to our peripheral is sent twice. It I reset the peripheral again, its sent 3 times and so on.

 This does not appear to be an issue with the Nordic side of things since the BLE UART central is fine. I'm just asking if anyone has had any experience of this before?

 Also can anyone explain the how the BLE UART reconnects even though the tablet is not scanning. The tablet stops scanning once it has a connection to the peripheral, because it does not need to connect to anything else.

 The tablet application is Xamarin based (I know its outdated) and is using for the bluetooth.

Thanks in advance

