Hi, I would like to ask that, whenever I put my function in main.c, the borad become undiscoverable.
I'm using nRF51 with ble_app_uart_s110_pca10028, and below are my function and main
what is the results of
ble_nus_string_send() ..
which you put into err_code?
the next line, as is discussed here 50 times a week, is APP_ERROR_CHECK() which will go to the error handler if err_code is not zero. That's the most likely place you've ended up. Use the debugger to find out where you are and how you got there.
Hi 10Hsin. In your sample program, it constantly transmitting data between 0 to 9. The most important thing is why? Why you transmitting data 0 to 9 to one-side without any event or case? I mean .. transferring data is communication with your friends. Imagine this situation,
Best regards.