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Try to let keil's project into eclipse by edit makefile

As try to let keil's project into eclipse so i edit makefile from example

first i open project by keil to copy include paths and paste to makefile under ''#includes common to all targets'',

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then fine each .c files and copy paths paste to makefile under "#source common to all targets",

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and set up other paths to be correct, image description

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fianlly,following tutorial setting to compile project. i doesn't have errors but can not work on board

do i have problem in above steps?

  • Finally ,I sloved.

    I missed some Define setting , so i found the Define setting in keil,

    image description

    then copy and paste to makefile

    image description

    build again and download .

    At last , it works !!

  • Yes, the defines are an important part of the project configuration! If you don't have the defines correct, the project will not be correctly configured - so it is unsurprising that it didn't work!

  • Yes, the defines are an important part of the project configuration! If you don't have the defines correct, the project will not be correctly configured - so it is unsurprising that it didn't work!

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