PAwR Subevent user data configuration based on the response received in the previous subevent.

I am using nrf52840 to test the `periodic_adv_rsp` sample application using ncs. I had this use case where I would like to configure data in a subevent based on responses received in response slots in the previous subevent, i.e. certain user command bytes in subevent 1 data should depend on the responses from peripherals in subevent 0 and so on. In the demo application, most of the subevent configurations are made through (request_cb) at the beginning of the Periodic Advertising Interval.  Is there a way to change this behaviour so that I can introduce a user data dependency between sub events ?

const struct bt_le_ext_adv_cb adv_cb = {
    .pawr_data_request = request_cb,
    .pawr_response = response_cb,