How to do USB DFU for nRF7002DK


I have a BLE DFU question in this thread that has not yet been resolved.

 How to do BLE DFU for nRF7002DK 

Since the BLE DFU problem has not been resolved, I have implemented a USB DFU as an alternative, but it still does not work well. I attach the project here.

Like the BLE DFU, the project checks if the network core can DFU by switching CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV on and off. However, it does not advertise, and instead the USB CDC ACM is enabled.

Of course, mcuboot_secondary_1 for the network core also exists.

I use mcumgr to display the image list. Nothing seems to be wrong with it.

I used mcumgr to upload my image. By the way, is app_update.bin correct to upload here, or where should I upload net_core_app_update.bin to? I looked at some threads and tried uploading net_core_app_upload.bin with -n 3 to the upload command. As a result, the hash in slot1 changed. I am not even sure if that is the correct behavior.

I tried rebooting with confirm flagged, but the network core could not DFU.

The application core was able to DFU, so it uses extended advertisements, but the network core does not have the extended advertisements config, so an error occurs. This error proves that the network core has not been updated.

What am I missing?

Best Regards,
Yoshihiro Goto
