Parsing Extended Advertising on Mesh SDK 5.0.0 using CODED PHY

We are migrating the firmware of our devices from Nordic's Mesh SDK 5.0.0 to Zephyr 3.5.0, starting with the provisioner device. The SOC we use is the nrf52840 and we use the CODED PHY with Mesh hack found here.

On the Zephyr side of things, we made the changes documented in this commit to add support for CODED PHY on Mesh.

We tried provisioning one of our Nordic's Mesh SDK devices with the Zephyr 3.5.0 provisioner but we weren't even receiving the provisioning beacons on the provisioner.

Then we edited the filter on the advertising type on Zephyr in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/adv.c to also accept BT_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND and we started receiving the beacons on the Zephyr side. This lead us to believe that while the hack to have CODED PHY on Zephyr uses and expects extended advertising messages, the hack on Nordic's Mesh SDK does not.

We have been trying to either tweak the Nordic's Mesh SDK to fully use extended advertising messages or at least accept the messages coming from the Zephyr device but to be honest we haven't had much success yet.

The plan is to eventually migrate all devices to Zephyr, but while we don't, we would like to start with the provisioner and keep it compatible with our other existing devices. Do you have any pointers we could follow?



  • Hi Rúben

    The Nordic nRF5 Mesh SDK does not support extended advertising at all AFAIK, and the hack you link to does not accommodate for extended advertising either from what I can see, so what you're seeing makes sense I think. Unfortunately that does mean that the Zephyr and nRF5 SDK devices won't be able to communicate on the Coded PHY, so you should wait until you can upgrade all devices in a network before implementing the Zephyr solution I think.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Rúben

    The Nordic nRF5 Mesh SDK does not support extended advertising at all AFAIK, and the hack you link to does not accommodate for extended advertising either from what I can see, so what you're seeing makes sense I think. Unfortunately that does mean that the Zephyr and nRF5 SDK devices won't be able to communicate on the Coded PHY, so you should wait until you can upgrade all devices in a network before implementing the Zephyr solution I think.

    Best regards,

