Request for Bluetooth Mesh Example Project for nRF52810 using nRF5 SDK

I am currently developing a project using the nRF52810 as my controller and SEGGER Embedded Studio (version 5.42a) as my IDE. I have successfully integrated the Timer and SAADC peripherals into the ble_app_uart/pca10040e/s112 example project.

During development, I encountered a requirement to implement a Bluetooth Mesh topology. However, I have been unable to find any relevant example projects in the nRF5 SDK version 17.0.2 that support Bluetooth Mesh for the nRF52810. I’ve come across several recommendations to transition to the nRF Connect SDK, but I would prefer to continue using the nRF5 SDK if possible.

Could you please guide me on whether there are any available example projects in nRF5 SDK 17.0.2 that I can use to implement Bluetooth Mesh, or suggest an approach to achieve this within the nRF5 SDK?

SDK: nRF5 SDK 17.0.2
IDE: SEGGER Embedded Studio 5.42a

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,

  • Hi Siltvm, 

    You can find the example of combining nRF5 SDK BLE application with nRF5 for Mesh SDK in MeshSDKv5.0\examples\sdk_coexist folder. 

    Unfortunately, the nRF52810 is not best suit for mesh application. The limited size of RAM and flash is the biggest challenge. I am not so sure if the example would even can run on the nRF52810. 
    As already recommended by others, you would need to move to either bigger chip and move to nRF Connect SDK. 

  • Hi Siltvm, 

    You can find the example of combining nRF5 SDK BLE application with nRF5 for Mesh SDK in MeshSDKv5.0\examples\sdk_coexist folder. 

    Unfortunately, the nRF52810 is not best suit for mesh application. The limited size of RAM and flash is the biggest challenge. I am not so sure if the example would even can run on the nRF52810. 
    As already recommended by others, you would need to move to either bigger chip and move to nRF Connect SDK. 

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