Errors in nRF5340 Audio DK Hardware Pin Map Table

There are a few unhelpful errors in the pin map table for the nRF5340 Audio DK.

nRF5340 Audio DK Hardware User Guide Pinmap Errors


  • P0.19's label seems misspelled, and should likely be HW_CODEC_IRQ.
  • P0.20's description is uninformative, and I still haven't determined its use even after carefully combing through the nrf5340_audio application.
  • P0.21's description is blatantly wrong; this pin has nothing to do with interrupts, rather it selects between the onboard CS47L63 codec and the external codec P10 header connector.

Attempting to learn Nordic's insanely complex nRF Connect SDK is miserable enough, compounded by the fact that even the documentation is riddled with errors. Please correct these entries with more accurate and descriptive information.
