Issue on setting tx power peripheral connection when CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL is enabled

I am using the following example as a reference for setting the TX power in a peripheral Bluetooth connection:

I am on latest nordic connect sdk: 2.7.0.

I am using the nRF21540-DK.

The example works fine when the device is configured to operate as a peripheral only. However, when I enable the central role by setting CONFIG_BT_CENTRAL=y in prj.conf, the SoftDevice asserts an error when trying to change the TX power during a connection as peripheral.

ASSERTION FAIL [0] @ WEST_TOPDIR/nrf/subsys/bluetooth/controller/hci_driver.c:278
SoftDevice Controller ASSERT: 49, 1332

What does the assert mean? Since the SoftDevice code is closed i cannot look into the file and line number i suppose. 

Thanks a lot,

