MCUBoot software based security count download protection not working

MCUboot supports software security count based download protection. But it is found that it is not exposed by nRF SDK. It adds the "--security-counter" argument only if 

Why this is not exposed ? 
Parents Reply
  • I am taking about MCUBoot image generation by nRF SDK (e.g. : nrf/cmake/sysbuild/image_signing.cmake). 

    MCUboot supports software based security counter for downgrade protection. But nRF SDK doesn't allow this, as it sets security counter only if CONFIG_MCUBOOT_HARDWARE_DOWNGRADE_PREVENTION.

    We don't want to use hardware based downgrade protection, as it needs more OTP/UICR region.

    I have posted the screenshot of image_signing*.cmake file above. I am asking whether this is done on purpose ? or just missed to handle ?

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