LWM2M Client With X.509 Certificate


I am trying to run nRF sample of cellular LWM2M client on nRF9151 development kit that communicates with a custom Leshan server over the LTE-M. Security modes of no security and PSK seem to be working without any issues in the provided samples. However, there is no sample of running cellular LWM2M with X.509 certificate. 

In the SDK v2.7.0 sample "Cellular: LwM2M Client" I have tried substituting lwm2m_security_set_psk with lwm2m_security_set_certificate without any luck. I have tried loading the certificate both with Cellular Monitor application and with lwm2m_security_set_certificate method. I also tried to follow the steps of "Lightweight M2M (LWM2M)" in Zephyr Project documentation.

Currently, the errors that I get are:

<err> lwm2m_security: No security credentials provisioned
<err> net_lwm2m_rd_client: Cannot init LWM2M engine (-2)
<err> net_lwm2m_rd_client: sm_do_network_error, retries 0
<err> net_lwm2m_rd_client: sm_do_network_error, retries 0

As I understand the certificates are not being loaded to modem properly or they are not being selected for usage.

Therefore, could you please provide a sample or instructions of how to use LWM2M with X.509?
