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pairing/bonding mode

reference nRF51-ble-peripheral-bond-handling example pairing/bonding mode. I add device manager & app_bond function on ble_app_uart. why function handling on "app_bond_init(&m_app_bond_table)" can't work. what can I do?
if mark this function the device ble can be connect & manual bond, but I want pairing & auto bonding.

  • Hi,

    Have a look on this tutorial which describes how to implement the Device Manager. Be aware the we have recently moved on to the peer manager which is a replacement for the device manager, a migration tutorial can be found here.

    Best regards,


  • Sorry I have question! I follow you provide mothed to add peer manager function, but program hand on peer_manager_init(erase_bonds); can't work. how to solve this problem?