UART monitor PC


we are now using nRF Toolbox -> Logger tool on our phone to monitor Thingy91 application information via UART/BLE.

Now we would to monitor/log the same information on our Window PC (in order to collect historical information), using Teraterm/Putty for example.  

What would be the best tooling/solution? 


Parents Reply
  • Hi Paul,

    I have an update from our development team for your request.

    Thee BLE app has been completely on hold for a while, due to the architectural change of the app we will no longer support the old ble app. The old ble app is using pc–ble–driver– js which is already deprecated. We plan to design a new ble app which will use a new library called nrf-ble-lib, this feature will be considered for the new ble app.

    Sorry for this news. This feature will not come in short time on BLE app.

    Best regards,


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